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Why should manufacturers market on their websites

Why Should Manufacturers Market On Their Websites Rather Than Pay Aggregators?

The way companies have been selling their products has changed in the Internet age. In the past, they used to depend on middlemen for sales. However, recently, the trend in the industry has been that manufacturers are increasingly marketing directly via their own websites(D2C marketing). This approach has a number of benefits, such as solid branding, cost-effectiveness, and enhanced customer engagement.

The blog will discuss why manufacturers should avoid paying aggregators and promote themselves through their websites.

The Rise of Aggregators and the Manufacturer’s Dilemma

The use of Amazon, eBay or Alibaba as platforms for buyers to view, compare and purchase products from different producers is one increasingly prevalent and fast-growing trend in online content curation. Nonetheless, there are numerous challenges that come with the use of such platforms, including loss of control over a brand’s image; reduced profit margins attributed to fees and charges, as well as heightened competition between sellers.

Similarly, IndiaMART and Justdial have their unique set of challenges:

  • High Subscription Fees: Creating listings on these platforms often demands significant subscription expenses that reduce profit margins.
  • Shared Leads: Leads typically go to multiple producers who compete against each other; hence, conversion rates may decrease.
  • Limited Branding Opportunities: Manufacturers must stand out because they are mixed with many others; thus, brand visibility becomes a great disadvantage.
  • Dependency on Platforms: Changing algorithms or policies can be detrimental as manufacturers are at the mercy of these platforms.
  • Concerns about the quality of leads: Other potential benefits may fail and squander assets and time
  • Competition pressure: Very high competitive forces emanating from price, review, and visibility result in shrinking margins.
  • Customer relationship limitations: Manufacturers do not have much opportunity for direct interaction with consumers, thereby posing barriers to develop relationships and collect feedbacks.
  • Reputation risks: Negative comments can heavily affect sales and company image.

Why Should Manufacturers Market On Their Websites

  1. Control Over Branding

When it markets its products through its website, the brand has 100 % control of the branding. This control extends to the website design, promotional messages, and overall customer experience. On an aggregator’s site, blending these products with those of other sellers makes it hard to have a distinct brand identity. On the other hand, a manufacturer can tailor-make their site to reflect the brand values and story, providing a suitable background for cultivating loyal clients.

  • Better Profit Margins

Manufacturers can lose significant profit margins when aggregators levy charges and collect commissions on sales. Producers can forgo these extra costs by selling directly through their websites, increasing profits. In addition, dynamic pricing strategies are feasible via direct sales to offer discounts or promotions without any limitations experienced on aggregator platforms.

  • Enhanced Customer Relationships

Direct marketing can improve relationships between manufacturers and their customers. When one buys directly from a manufacturer’s website, one may engage with the brand and sign up for other activities, such as newsletters or loyalty programs. Responding to customers’ feedback through online platforms gives manufacturers insights into what consumers like most, building strong customer relationships over time. As a result of these factors, consumer loyalty will increase, and there will be repeat purchases.

  • Access to Customer Data

Direct-to-consumer marketing has a huge advantage in allowing access to customer data. Aggregators usually restrict the amount of information about clients that is given out to producers, thus leading to difficulties in understanding customers’ behaviors. When a customer purchases directly from the manufacturers’ websites, they can get information on past purchases and preferences, among other things. It is extremely important since it helps in product improvement while also allowing for reaching the target market effectively and personalizing marketing efforts by developing targeted advertising campaigns.

  • Flexibility and Innovation

Manufacturers’ ability to innovate and adapt quickly to market changes is enhanced through their marketing via their websites. They can launch new products, experiment with different marketing tactics, and listen to and respond to customers’ comments without being influenced by aggregators. In the fast-changing market environment, agility is crucial due to highly fluid consumer preferences and trends. In this ever-changing market, an agile manufacturer will keep their competitive advantage by continually meeting the varied needs of their customers.

Challenges and How to Overcome Them

  1. Building Website Traffic

The main issue of direct-to-consumer marketing lies in attracting customers to a manufacturer’s website. In contrast, aggregators have users already found to be active, while the manufacturers’ websites need to get visitors through their efforts. This objective can be achieved through SEO, PPC, SMM and Content Marketing. These strategies are a big part of ensuring that there is constant traffic flow for years to come.

  • Managing E-commerce Operations

Establishing and managing an e-commerce website takes technical know-how and resources. Manufacturers must ensure that their site is user-friendly and reliable and can guarantee smooth transaction experiences. These challenges can be overcome by working with professionals like web developers and e-commerce experts. On the other hand, established platforms for online business, such as Shopify or WooCommerce, make everything easier regarding management tools in an online store.

  • Dealing with Logistics and Customer Service

Manufacturers themselves must also do logistics and customer service if they are involved in direct marketing. This involves managing stock, sending orders, and responding to customer inquiries or complaints. It can be helpful to invest in strong inventory management systems and train customer care representatives who can work towards streamlining such processes. Also, it is possible to use third-party logistic providers that will help in this matter.


When manufacturers market on their websites directly, they enjoy several advantages, including higher product earnings, increased branding control, and improved customer relationships. Although managing website traffic and e-commerce operations may be challenging, the rewards of direct marketing are endless, so manufacturers should embrace it. By simply controlling their online presence, manufacturers can establish stronger brands and gain critical customer information, outperforming other market participants.

Are you looking to improve your direct marketing strategies and take over your web presence? Reach out to the Best Digital Marketing Company in Faridabad. We are focused on assisting manufacturers in building strong brands, increasing website visits, and managing e-commerce operations efficiently. Our skills will enable you to collect critical customer information while increasing your market share with enhanced profits and better customer relationships.


Q1: Why is direct to consumer marketing better for brand control?

A1: When using direct to consumer marketing, manufacturers have complete control over how their products are presented, such as website design, messaging, and customer experience. Building a unique and consistent brand identity is easier this way than aggregator platforms, where once the consumer goes online, he can see other related products.

Q2: What methods can manufacturers use to bring traffic to their sites?

A2: To make the website interesting to its visitors, several techniques can be employed by manufacturers. Various Digital Marketing techniques can be applied on websites such as SEO, PPC, social media management and content marketing. Consistently focusing on these areas will help to attract and retain internet users.

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